In the world of clean beauty, Romilly Wilde is about as squeaky as they come. Which is little surprise given that its founder is none other than health and wellness pioneer, Susie Willis.

When Susie stepped away from her baby food company Plum Organics to set her sights on the beauty industry, she did so with one goal in mind: to develop a range of truly clean skin products that were non-toxic, contained no synthetic materials and used 100% transparent ingredient labelling.

Needless to say, Susie succeeded. By harnessing the power of plant-based ingredients and sophisticated biotechnology, she created Romilly Wilde, an award-winning range of skin formulas that are refreshingly chemical-free.

Q&A with Susie Willis

What’s your biggest challenge as a brand?

Defining the standard of 'clean beauty and clarifying ambiguous claims made by other brands.

Who is your hero?

Anita Roddock

What is your best 'little find'?

The fashion brand Ssone

Which three items do you never travel without?

Anti-bac spray, face oil and an eye mask.

What time does your day start and how do you start it?

I set my alarm for 7am and do my win of exercises followed by a cold shower.

What’s your favourite place to hide away?

In a tiny wooden eco-house in Cornwall.

Rapid-fire round

Wellies or flip flops?


Paperback or Kindle?


Spring, summer, autumn or winter?


Running or Yoga?


Serums or Oils?



As we grow older, many of us look in the mirror and see fine lines that maybe weren't there a few years ago and, you know what, that's ok! Let's celebrate each line and learn to properly care for our skin, for it has been front and centre for the many brilliant years I am sure you have all enjoyed in your lives. We asked Susie Willis founder of award-winning skincare brand Romilly Wilde for her top tips when looking after mature skin.

"The unfortunate skin truth, as we age our skin metabolism slows down and we produce less collagen and elastin (the connective tissue that gives our skin its elasticity), which means, looser skin and slower skin repair. As if that wasn’t enough, as the skin metabolism slows, skin can also appear more sluggish and dehydrated, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles.But don’t despair, here’s where the solutions appear." Susie Willis
Susie's Top 5 Tips for caring for mature skin:

  • Limit your extrinsic aging – all those all those external forces that accentuate the aging process. You know the insidious hitlist by now: smoking, alcohol, and sun are the destructive trio that wreak the most havoc on our skin, so avoiding or limiting them at all costs is essential.

  • Invest in a non-toxic skincare line that prioritises nutrient-rich ingredients packed full of peptides and antioxidants that promote regeneration of the skin cells. Many collagen creams that promise results sit on the surface of the skin as the molecules are simply too big to penetrate. Instead, the focus should be on using products - such as our RW Supercell Serum - that contain active plant-powered ingredients with smaller molecules that will penetrate more deeply.

  • Increase circulation to the skin: Facial massage is an easy and economical way (as you can do it yourself) to boost oxygen and increase cell turnover, not to mention aid in lymphatic drainage and decongesting the skin.

  • Hydration is key - As we age it is all about hydrating from the inside out. Drink enough water, ensure that your diet is rich in antioxidants, nutrients and omega fatty acids, and incorporate our nutrient rich Active Boost Face Oil in your skincare regime. A great face oil will create a barrier to the outside elements whilst retaining moisture in your skin.

  • Invest in a great Eye Serum - the skin around our eyes is the thinnest on our bodies, so care and attention to this area is tantamount. Our Eye Believe Eye Serum is rich with natural plant stem cells, aiding in boosting cell turnover around the delicate eye area. Another gem of a tip, put our eye serum in the fridge - the cool wand works wonders on puffy eyes!

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