We spend a lot of time researching and looking for brands that are innovative and challenging the status quo, shaking up their industries and following their guts. I admire those creative and strategic entrepreneurs who are crafting science-based products that are beautiful to look at and use. But I’m especially interested in brands that are making moves towards building sustainable businesses.

Sustainability is very important to me. Why?

Because I’m a mother of three children and . How could I not be concerned about the environment and world we they are growing up in? It would be irresponsible to not do everything I can to advocate for a more sustainable lifestyle.

None of us are perfect, but we can work to be better. And whether it’s using plastic-free products or 100% natural ingredients, I want to introduce you to brands that are striving to be just that.

It’s such a great feeling when I find these wonder brands and products that I can’t wait to tell everyone about them. And that’s how THE FIND was born, combining my love of discovering these brilliant finds with my passion to support and champion entrepreneurs who are builders and who value sustainability – in which ever form that takes for their businesses.

My hope and goal is that THE FIND would be a thoughtfully curated online concept store. That we would build THE destination for discovering brilliant, innovative products, from skincare and men’s grooming, to cleaning products and toys. And that you would find joy in those little finds alongside us.

I hope you discover your gems and like them.